Facebook Messenger can integrate SMS and multi-account as Hangouts

Image result for Facebook Messenger can integrate SMSAfter the beta test program has proposed a redesign sauce Material Design, Facebook looks set to take the field on Hangout also integrating SMS management and multi-account in its implementation.
It is through this same test program that we learn the back of the integration of SMS in the email application on Facebook. This feature was not present since the early days of Facebook Messenger, which will quickly abandoned in favor of its social network chat system.
Both provided screenshots clearly show the appearance of a SMS menu in the application, as well as the ability to write SMS in the thread. The application then separates the text in purple its messages through the Facebook service, always displayed in blue.
Also on the program is the multi-account management for Facebook Messenger, as shown in the following screenshots:

Again, the presence of an Accounts menu (Accounts English) is visible in the application settings, while the second capture allows us to see the selection screen active account. We then imagine the ability to manage a space for discussion for profiles and pages ... Or can more easily manage their account troll, who knows?
EDIT: The multi-account feature is already available since the last update Google Play. Angelneo thank you.
Facebook Messenger seems good enough to take a little more control of our smartphones and our consumption habits. Still, it would be welcome to settle battery drainage problems Facebook applications before thinking compete Hangout on land that he himself abandoned.
Having already bought Whatsapp end of 2014, Zuckerberg seems in any case determined to be one of the big names in the mobile chat application. Land on which big names clash, but which few emerge victorious. The implementation of the Material Design however, is good news.

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