GO Launcher EX APK for Android

GO Launcher EXStylish, Smart, Slim, Let’s GO Launcher!
GO Launcher is a stylish, smart & slim system for your Android phone. The 2015 brand new version “GO Launcher Z’ provides 365-day updated themes & HD wallpapers to decorate your screen, and abundant widgets, gestures & tools to make your ideal phone. Its previous version “GO Launcher EX” ranked as NO.1 launcher in Google Play with over 200 million users!
Stylish: Decorate every corner of your screen with updated themes & wallpapers, especially 2016 New Year themes and 2016 wallpapers! You can get awsome beautiful themes and plenty of 2016 new year wallpapers from Theme store and the Wallpapers!
Smart: Insert your brain into the phone with tools, widgets & gestures;
Slim: 4M APK to enhance phone performance.
[GO Launcher EX] Screenshot 1[GO Launcher EX] Screenshot 2

Highlight features:
APPs management: Hide & Lock APPs to protect phone security;
Store: Theme store & APP center brings you fashion & fun;
Transition Effect: 17 effects available, magic every slide!
Widget:Weather forcast widget, search widget, swithes widget and 2016 calendar widget!
A lot of 2016 New Year themes and 2016 New Year wallpapers are on line now!
A lot of 2016 themes and 2016 wallpapers are on line now!!
A lot of new year themes and new year wallpapers are on line now!!!
2016 New Year Fireworks Theme is so cool!!!
The wallpapers resourse is as many as Backgrounds HD(Wallpapers)(高清桌布) ,Best Wallpaper QHD,ZEDGE™Ringtones & Wallpapers(ZEDGE™图标 铃声和壁纸).
Contact us: golauncher@goforandroid.com
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Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/105697161638224913835

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Downloads: play store   Zippyshare

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