Huawei_Ascend_G510-0200_Firmware,Android 4.1,Emotion_UI,V100R001C151B166,India-Channel,05011MBF
So, this was a simple tutorial on How to Flash Stock Rom for Huawei G510-0200.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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What’s Flashing
A.Flashing a cell Huawei G500 Professional U8836D ICS KERNEL ROM means- Re-putting in the Huawei G500 Professional U8836D ICS KERNEL ROM B956 working system. means to load a unique model of Working System.
C.on this situation we set up home windows on a pc to make use of it to flashable ROM.
D.when putting in,altering,or upgrading the working system tha flashable rom does assist this work.
E.A Flashing does erase your whole saved knowledge,For Instance:
F.Contacts Pics textual content and so on.and settings.Typically a batter knowlegemen can take your Huawei G500 Professional U8836D ICS KERNEL ROMs
G.backup and after flashing you get your knowledge restore. in working system often make it quicker,
I.present batter battery-life or add new options.
1. Make sure you have backed up all your important data. All files, messages, images, videos, contacts etc.
2. Download the .zip file.
3. Unpack it on your Desktop. Copy the dload folder to your SD card’s root directory.
4. Turn off your Huawei. (Make sure your battery has enough power. Charge it if necessary.) Insert the memory card.
5. Press both Volume keys (VOL UP and DOWN) and then the power key until the software upgrade progress bar displays. Then you can release all keys.
6. Wait until the progress bar finishes and the phone restart.
7. Check firmware version in Settings > About phone / build number.
watch here how to do manully
So, this was a simple tutorial on How to Flash Stock Rom for Huawei G510-0200.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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