FINAL FANTASY IX, a famous JRPG released in 2000 in Japan
and sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide,
finally arrives on Android!Take this opportunity to join Zidane and Bibiin their exciting adventure!

After purchasing the application, there will be no transactionin the game. You can enjoy from beginning to endthe fantastic story of FINAL FANTASY IX.■ SynopsisA troupe of itinerant artists, Tantalas, plans to kidnapGarnet princess of the kingdom of Alexandria. Luckily, the girlwants to leave the country, and Steiner with his bodyguard,she joined the group of Zidane.With the help of the most unique individuals than others, asblack mage or Bibi Kweena Tribe Kwe, the heroes learnthe existence of the crystal to the origin of life, the secret of their destiny,and must fight to prevent the destruction of the planet ...

■ FINAL FANTASY IX Features- SkillsCharacters can learn new skillsby equipping weapons and armor and fighting with.You can customize the group with differentcombinations of skills.- TranceEach character has a Trance gauge that fillsas he takes damage. When full, that characterin between trance and can use new skillsfar more destructive!- ForgeYou can mix two objects to make a new one.Look for materials that will allow you to createequipment of superior quality!- Mini gamesOf skipping the treasure hunt through a gamecards, you will have the choice of mini-games.Whether with "Creuse! Chocobo!" or Tetra Master,you will have the opportunity to get their hands on objectsextremely powerful!
We identified the problem described below and are working on recovery.When a backup is performed while the support skill "MultiBoom" Bibi is still fitted, this supporting competence and any other support skills fitted in the boxes above "MultiBoom" will be lost. In addition, all the magical stones that have been equipped with these skills will be lost.Therefore we advise you to unequip the support skill "MultiBoom" before making a backup, or not to equip this skill until the problem is resolved.We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----- This is a very large application, the download will take some time.- This application uses 4GB of memory. You must have 8GB of free space to complete the download, so make sure you have enough memory before starting the download.
and sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide,
finally arrives on Android!Take this opportunity to join Zidane and Bibiin their exciting adventure!
■ News
- Success.- Fast mode, no random battles,and two new options of play.- Automatic backup.- Characters and cinematic high definition.-----------------------------------Compatible with versionsAndroid 4.1+.

Installation Instructions:
- Download one of the [APK] files above (the MOD version is the HACKED game) OR try the [Google Play] version;
- Move the .apk game file into your Android Smartphone or Tablet and install it (if you are on mobile, just install the apk tapping on it);
- Download the proper [GAME CACHE] file;
- Extract it (if you are on mobile, use your file manager to reach your Downloads folder, then find the game cache file, keep pressing on the .zip file for about 1-2 seconds and a menu will appear, then select "Extract");
- Move the folder containing the .obb file into: sdcard/Android/obb/ (if you don't have a microSD then move it to: Android/obb/ and if you don't see the "obb" folder inside "Android", just create it!);
- Launch the game and have fun with FINAL FANTASY IX!
■ Description
FINAL FANTASY IX, a famous JRPG released in 2000 in Japanand sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide,finally arrives on Android!Take this opportunity to join Zidane and Bibiin their exciting adventure!
After purchasing the application, there will be no transactionin the game. You can enjoy from beginning to endthe fantastic story of FINAL FANTASY IX.■ SynopsisA troupe of itinerant artists, Tantalas, plans to kidnapGarnet princess of the kingdom of Alexandria. Luckily, the girlwants to leave the country, and Steiner with his bodyguard,she joined the group of Zidane.With the help of the most unique individuals than others, asblack mage or Bibi Kweena Tribe Kwe, the heroes learnthe existence of the crystal to the origin of life, the secret of their destiny,and must fight to prevent the destruction of the planet ...
■ FINAL FANTASY IX Features- SkillsCharacters can learn new skillsby equipping weapons and armor and fighting with.You can customize the group with differentcombinations of skills.- TranceEach character has a Trance gauge that fillsas he takes damage. When full, that characterin between trance and can use new skillsfar more destructive!- ForgeYou can mix two objects to make a new one.Look for materials that will allow you to createequipment of superior quality!- Mini gamesOf skipping the treasure hunt through a gamecards, you will have the choice of mini-games.Whether with "Creuse! Chocobo!" or Tetra Master,you will have the opportunity to get their hands on objectsextremely powerful!
known issue
We identified the problem described below and are working on recovery.When a backup is performed while the support skill "MultiBoom" Bibi is still fitted, this supporting competence and any other support skills fitted in the boxes above "MultiBoom" will be lost. In addition, all the magical stones that have been equipped with these skills will be lost.Therefore we advise you to unequip the support skill "MultiBoom" before making a backup, or not to equip this skill until the problem is resolved.We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----- This is a very large application, the download will take some time.- This application uses 4GB of memory. You must have 8GB of free space to complete the download, so make sure you have enough memory before starting the download.
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