Pokemon Go: what should we expect future updates?

The source code of the Pokémon Go app contains some clues on upcoming features that will be associated to the game.
There are now a few days, Niantic deployed a new version of Pokemon Go , which now allows users to seek help to assess Pokémon, and so determine if they are fit to fight or not. An update that some are light, but should be followed in the coming months, patches offering even more exciting features.

Enter the legend

Precisely, a user of Reddit named cokuspocus went digging through the source code of the application to find some clues about the next features of the game. There is for example the activity_catch_legend_pokemon function, which directly refers to the legendary Pokémon that should soon appear on our maps. The man also found Trade_search functions Trade_offer, Trade_response and Trade_results that seem to refer to trade Pokémon.

In short incense

The types of incense could also evolve to attract Pokémon of a particular type (Item_incense_floral, Item_incense_cool ...). More interestingly, the arena could evolve . In English, they are called Gym and source code mentions Fort, and the following features are present: Add_fort_modifier, Fort_deploy_pokemon and Fort_recall_pokemon. Difficult to predict the plans of Niantic, but the user of Reddit believes it could be places to take to get a legendary Pokémon, for example.
Answers will be watching for the next updates so.

Pokémon GO Niantic, Inc.

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