In the US, Verizon is the only operator to distribute Pixel Pixel XL and Google. They will then be sold with a bootloader that will not be unlocked as some Nexus sold among traders. It will then go through the Google Store and other retailers to benefit from the Pixel bootloader unlocked.
According to Evan Blass , the pixel appears to be the first Android smartphone to which the US operator Verizon will not apply any customization. However, the new smartphonne Google could also reintroduce a practice that we did not used to see in Google: unable to unlock the bootloader to load alternative ROMs such as CyanogenMod for example.
But ultimately, what interests most operators is to prevent users from easily unlock the phone, to avoid seeing from customers to the competitor after enjoying an interesting promotional offer. It is therefore not so surprising that Verizon locks the bootloader of pixels.
The Pixel sold via the Store will benefit from an unlocked bootloader as the previous Nexus. But that Google will get exclusive partnerships in exchange for a locked bootloader could also apply internationally, thereby creating two classes of pixels.
In all cases, go through the Google Play Store will acquire an unlocked bootloader to Pixel.
According to Evan Blass , the pixel appears to be the first Android smartphone to which the US operator Verizon will not apply any customization. However, the new smartphonne Google could also reintroduce a practice that we did not used to see in Google: unable to unlock the bootloader to load alternative ROMs such as CyanogenMod for example.
Why lock the bootloader?
Brands that make this choice often evoke the protection of their users. Thus, for example Xiaomi , this is to prevent unscrupulous resellers to install third filled ROM software bloat and application-spies. It is also making it more difficult for thieves who want to install ROM to circumvent Android protections via the bootloader to reset a device.But ultimately, what interests most operators is to prevent users from easily unlock the phone, to avoid seeing from customers to the competitor after enjoying an interesting promotional offer. It is therefore not so surprising that Verizon locks the bootloader of pixels.
Locking the bootloader: result exclusives operators?
It is, however, a sad news for Google, which had just used the Nexus users to always provide an unlocked bootloader. In the previous framework Nexus sold through Verizon, for example, the operator had provided an official tool to unlock the bootloader of the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 6 . But it is quite possible that Verizon offers such a tool for Pixel.The Pixel sold via the Store will benefit from an unlocked bootloader as the previous Nexus. But that Google will get exclusive partnerships in exchange for a locked bootloader could also apply internationally, thereby creating two classes of pixels.
And in France ?
As regards the other markets, it will be marketing the Pixel internationally and in France in particular whether the bootloader will also be blocked. In England, Google announced an exclusive partnership by offering the Pixel via EE and Germany for Deutsche Telekom but without elaborating.Errors already committed in the past
Yet one can only wonder what choice from Google that risk incurring the wrath of some of his supporters, acquired through previous Nexus and thus reduce the accumulated good reputation. We recall however that some operators such as SFR, had marketed at the time the Nexus One with the locked bootloader, no way to replace the ROM of the operator.In all cases, go through the Google Play Store will acquire an unlocked bootloader to Pixel.
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