Xiaomi launches the Android version of the Mi 6X on July 24 in Madrid, Spain. The phone will arrive as Xiaomi Mi A2 and the manufacturer has just teased it on Twitter, saying that all fans of Mi A1 will "love it" while displaying an image of the current Mi A1 with the number 2 visible behind. plan.
This image is the first time that Xiaomi actually uses number 2 in her promotional communication since the text also had the hashtag # 2isbetterthan1. Although Mi A2 is not a surprising nickname, it is good to confirm it officially.
The Xiaomi Mi A2 comes with 5.99 "Full HD + screen and Snapdragon 660. The dual camera should be 12 MP + 20 MP and will have a lot of memory options - 3/4/6 GB of RAM and 32/64/128 Go storage space.It will be accompanied by Mi A2 Lite, which is the Redmi 6 Pro with a notch, stripped of its MIUI appearance.
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This image is the first time that Xiaomi actually uses number 2 in her promotional communication since the text also had the hashtag # 2isbetterthan1. Although Mi A2 is not a surprising nickname, it is good to confirm it officially.
The Xiaomi Mi A2 comes with 5.99 "Full HD + screen and Snapdragon 660. The dual camera should be 12 MP + 20 MP and will have a lot of memory options - 3/4/6 GB of RAM and 32/64/128 Go storage space.It will be accompanied by Mi A2 Lite, which is the Redmi 6 Pro with a notch, stripped of its MIUI appearance.
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