Note: For security reasons, Google by default blocks the APK installation. Know now that you are taking a risk by downloading and installing an APK. Google can indeed guarantee the security of the application. So be careful if you decide to install an APK file.
First of all: allow the installation of external applications
By default, your Android does not allow you to install applications other than through the Google Play Store. Just check a box to get rid of this problem:
Go to your Settings> Security
Check the box Unknown Sources
Install an APK
Select the application you want to install, there is a file named .apk. Here are some links for you to find the latest relevant APK on your Android. Otherwise, Google will also work well, but be careful not to install anything.APK Google Play
APK Google Maps APK
APK Google Play Services
APK Whatsapp
Then the procedure is very simple. Follow these steps!
1. Download the APK in question.
2. Go to your downloads and open.
3. Click the application and confirm by clicking Install
Here's an example with the installation of an APK file WhatsApp
There you go ! If you install the APK an application in itself, unlike Flash which is a background process, you will find the shortcut created in your app drawer, and usually on your screen Home.
This method also applies when you want to install an update of a previously downloaded application.
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